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I believe that the entire universe is in a giant conspiracy for our ultimate well-being, if we can listen to its promptings. All of my work and writings are aimed at helping you listen to this inner guidance.

I have been a professional astrologer for over forty years and have conducted over 25,000 astrology consultations, helping clients find their core strengths and to navigate through difficult transitions. I have a Master of Science degree in “Experimental Metaphysics from Central Washington University (1982) and have written nine books on metaphysical topics from Astrology, meditation, and the chakras.

This is a short clip of a television show in which I was the featured astrologer

This week’s astrology forecast: January 13th – 19th    


Message for the week:

The Full Moon in Cancer, it’s strongest sign, is on Monday, with forward thinking Uranus in supportive aspects to both the Sun and Moon. This is an extremely favorable Full Moon, offering resolution and breakthroughs to long standing problems. Uranus insights come suddenly, not from better thinking, but as a flash of suddenly having the answer to something that has been troubling you.

This Full Moon provides excellent sky watching opportunities, if you are blessed with clear skies. If you go out in the evening, Mars can be seen with its orange glow next to the Moon. Jupiter will be overhead and the Venus/Saturn conjunction can be seen in the west—Venus is twice as bright as Jupiter and ten times brighter than the stars.

Emotions will run hot this week, Mars (the warrior) being conjunct the Full Moon on Monday and opposite the Sun on Wednesday. The “heads up” is to keep your anger in check and to avoid those who can’t. This heated energy can be harnessed if you can keep to your own business and is particularly favorable for strength building and strong workouts.

The Sun moves into Aquarius Sunday, and along with the Moon being in Libra in harmony with beneficial Jupiter, makes for the best day this week, for dating, romance and socializing.

Monday: This is a special, highly emotionally charged Full Moon in Cancer at 2:27 PM PST conjunct Mars, fortifies courage, while the Sun and Moon both in harmonious aspects with insightful Uranus—can bring flashes of insight for resolving problems and moving forward. A peaceful, easy evening with the Moon in a flowing trine to dreamy Neptune—all in all, a special day.

Tuesday: Lavish is a word to describe the energy today, with Venus in a motivational square to indulgent Jupiter, fueling the urge to splurge. The Moon is in fun loving Leo sextile to abundant Jupiter this evening—let the party play on!

Wednesday: A day to keep your cool as best you can, with the Sun opposite angry Mars—walk lightly around others during this highly defensive energy, which causes people to feel that everyone is picking on them. You can harness this energy with a strong workout. The Moon is in prideful Leo in an agitating square to rebellious Uranus, adding to the general feistiness of the day.

Thursday: After yesterday’s stormy energy, the calm returns today with the Moon entering down to earth Virgo with no aspects. The “worker bee” Virgo energy will have no obstacles, so a good day for cleaning, organizing, and getting things done. Also, a good day for fitness activities.

Friday: The Sun is sextile to magical Neptune, gracing the day with a bit of pixie dust. You might take on more than you can chew with the Moon in task-oriented Virgo square to excessive Jupiter, fueling excessive optimism—a trine to Mercury will help figure it all out. Some compromising to accommodate others can be called for this evening with the Moon opposite the Venus/Saturn conjunction.

Saturday: The Moon starts the day in perfectionistic Virgo in supportive aspects to the Sun, Mars and Uranus, making for an extremely efficient day for getting things done. A bit of a sobering day as Venus joins serious Saturn, causing one to take a realistic look at relationships. Relationships that pass Saturn’s discerning eye can deepen their commitment to each other.  Mercury is also sextile Saturn, adding to the discerning mental clarity of the day. A good evening for dating and socializing with the Moon entering Libra.

Sunday: A special day for friendships, socializing and romance, with the Sun moving into free-spirited Aquarius and Mercury sextile to the Venus/Saturn conjunction—sweetening communications and interactions with others. The Moon is in relationship-oriented Libra trine to abundant Jupiter, adding to the sweetheart energy of the day—enjoy!

Astrology for 2025: A Year Like No Other

A Zoom presentation with David Pond

January 30th, 2025 - Thursday 6-7:30 PM PT $35.00

(The presentation will be recorded for later viewing)

2025 promises to be a year like no other, with every planet changing signs, calling for a shift of approach to every area of your life. The year starts off with the same volatile energy that was present during the election with the 2nd Mars opposition to Pluto occurring January 3rd. Then the cosmic accelerator gets pressed with Saturn and Neptune both moving from Pisces and into Aries, as well as Uranus shifting from Taurus to Gemini. This shift from the feminine (yin) Earth and Water signs to the masculine (yang) Fire and Air will accelerate everything. We will explore the impacts of this changing energy on the world and how to align with this quickened energy in our own lives. Suitable for all levels.

Registration: For more information or to register, click the link below:


May the stars be with you!

Donations: Although these weekly updates are free, if you would like to support the newsletter with a donation, go to my website and click the “Donate” button on the menu. You can donate in increments of $5. You can also donate through Venmo: David-Pond-17 If you would like to send a check, contact us for our mailing address. Thanks for your support!

Consultations: I am available for consultations if you would like to see how your astrology chart can help you connect with your true self, explore your life’s purpose, better understand relationships, find your right vocation, or to align with current astrological influences.  Contact us by email, phone, or through the “Services” tab on our website, to set up a session.

Email: Dpond11@gmail.com  Phone: 360-918-8411  

My new book, Astrology for Beginners, is now available. Ask for it at your favorite bookstore like mine, Chapter One Bookstore, in Ketchum, Idaho, or through Amazon and other online stores.

My new book, Astrology for Beginners, is now available. Ask for it at your favorite bookstore like mine, Chapter One Bookstore, in Ketchum, Idaho, or through Amazon and other online stores.