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I believe that the entire universe is in a giant conspiracy for our ultimate well-being, if we can listen to its promptings. All of my work and writings are aimed at helping you listen to this inner guidance.

I have been a professional astrologer for over forty years and have conducted over 25,000 astrology consultations, helping clients find their core strengths and to navigate through difficult transitions. I have a Master of Science degree in “Experimental Metaphysics from Central Washington University (1982) and have written nine books on metaphysical topics from Astrology, meditation, and the chakras.

This is a short clip of a television show in which I was the featured astrologer

This week’s astrology forecast: October 14th – 20th  


Message for the week:     

There is much to write about this week because there is a lot going on and coming to a head, with the Full Moon in Aries on Thursday. Mars, the planet of power, passion, anger, and drive is being highlighted all week. There will be peaceful respites, but Monday and Thursday are particularly intense and volatile. On Monday the Sun in justice seeking Libra will be in a contentious square to the warrior planet Mars, creating a defensive, abrasive vibe—good for pushing yourself, but not others. Venus is also opposite Uranus on Monday, creating a drive to liberate yourself from anything that offends your values or restrains you from being your true self.

The energy smooths out Tuesday and Wednesday with Venus in a flowing trine to inspiring Neptune—beauty can be a one-word spiritual path. The intensity returns Thursday with a bold and daring, if not volatile, Full Moon in Aries. The Aries Full Moon opposite the Sun in Libra sheds light on the balance of your relationship between yourself (Aries) and others (Libra). Can you maintain balanced relationships without losing yourself? Can you pursue your personal interests while maintaining harmonious relationships with others?

The ”heads up” is that the Full Moon is also in a volatile Grand Square with the two power planets Mars and Pluto, activating the “Incredible Hulk Syndrome”. This is when a little bit of anger can ignite a whole lot of rage, along with the feeling that you could annihilate your adversary. No good ever comes from this, only destruction. If you feel your anger heating up, find a way to blow off steam before interacting with others. Better to go for a brisk walk, or a hard workout, or punch a punching bag or pillow, rather than punching others!

The positive news is that this heated up Mars is also in a Grand Trine with Venus and Neptune, offering a creative escape hatch from all the pressure. This is inspired, creative and romantic energy that is subtle and harmonious. The downside of subtle and harmonious energy is that it doesn’t demand attention like anger and frustration do—you must direct energy towards it. Think of the grand trine as a piccolo in the orchestra and the Grand Square as the kettle drums—you need to quiet the drums to hear the piccolo.

Monday: A bit of an edgy day with the Sun square to irritable Mars, while simultaneously, Venus will be opposite electrifying Uranus. A good day to let the “wild woman” archetype out (even if you are a man) but check your anger at the door.  The Moon in “go with the flow” Pisces will help soften the energy, but being conjunct serious Saturn, holds you to your responsibilities. You may feel like indulging a bit tonight to escape from it all, with the Moon square excessive Jupiter.

Tuesday: This day is graced with Venus (personal love) in a flowing trine to Neptune (universal love)—elevating the senses to subtle sensations of beauty and appreciation. Treat life like a poem today and read between the lines to capture its essence. The Moon is in dreamy Pisces conjunct otherworldly Neptune and in harmony to Venus, adding to the enchantment of this morning’s energy. You come out of the clouds and drop into your body and ready for action by midday, as the Moon enters fired-up Aries.

Wednesday: The Moon is in self-directed Aries with no aspects through the day—ideal for creating time for getting to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, and how you want to do it. You may feel like staying active tonight with the Moon sextile to fortunate Jupiter and opportunities continue to abound.

Thursday: Issues can come to a head today with the Full Moon in Aries occurring at 4:26 AM PDT with squares to both Mars and Pluto. Aries stimulates jumping into action with no vacillations. Although you might not feel like it, it would be wise to consider the consequences before acting impulsively. This is favorable for initiating new directions, but not favorable for fighting against something. Relationships are benefitted from Venus being in a supportive sextile to transformative Pluto. The energy calms this afternoon, when the Moon enters patient Taurus.

Friday: This is a day to keep your head out of the clouds and your feet on the ground with the Moon in down to earth Taurus in a stimulating sextile to pragmatic Saturn. Steady is the way today. Financial dealings could go smoothly as well as tying up loose ends before the weekend.

Saturday: A day to follow your intrigues and fascinations and you might feel like you are up for anything. The Moon is in Taurus conjunct Uranus in the early morning, tickling the desire to do something out of the ordinary. The Moon moves into variety-loving Gemini midday and is magnetically opposite Venus tonight, keeping the energy lighthearted, playful, and flirtatious.

Sunday: If you played too much yesterday, you may feel like you need to tend to chores and responsibilities this morning while the Moon is in Gemini in an irritating square to responsibility-laden Saturn. The energy lightens up by midday, freeing you to pursue your curiosities and interests.

May the stars be with you!

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Consultations: I am available for consultations if you would like to see how your astrology chart can help you connect with your true self, explore your life’s purpose, better understand relationships, find your right vocation, or to align with current astrological influences.  Contact us by email, phone, or through the “Services” tab on our website, to set up a session.

Email: Dpond11@gmail.com Phone: 360-918-8411

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My new book, Astrology for Beginners, is now available. Ask for it at your favorite bookstore like mine, Chapter One Bookstore, in Ketchum, Idaho, or through Amazon and other online stores.

My new book, Astrology for Beginners, is now available. Ask for it at your favorite bookstore like mine, Chapter One Bookstore, in Ketchum, Idaho, or through Amazon and other online stores.