This week’s astrology forecast:

May 6th to 12th   


Message for the week:

The week starts with a great deal of drive to move forward in your life with Mars having just moved into its strongest sign, Aries—which wants to get “there” fast. However, the big news in the heavens is the New Moon in Taurus, joining Venus, Jupiter and Uranus—five planets in the sign of taking things slow and easy. The New Moon is excellent for new beginnings, and a fresh start.  Taurus prefers the realistic, step-by-step approach and will get where its going with determination, perseverance, tenacity, and patience.

Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus, and therefore rules all the planets in Taurus—the sign of the connoisseur and the appreciation of quality. There are two levels of Taurus, acquisition and appreciation. The material world and possesions are important to Taurus, so the first level is to acquire the possessions that you value. Not everyone gets to the second stage of appreciation. We all know too many people who have abundance, but not the ability to really enjoy it. It can be cultivated by the attitude of gratitude—being grateful and appreciative that there are delightful moments in life.

I use a few different mantras to enhance my experience of Taurus transits:

“Quality first, completion in its time.” I tend to be impatient as a rule, and value the Taurus focus on bringing something through to quality completion before rushing on to something else.

“Linger in delightful moments.” I like enjoyable moments, but being a project type of guy, I tend to get on with the next project. Taurus, ruled by Venus, the planet of magentism, reminds me to stop and appreciate that there are delightful moments, and this activates magnetism—attracting more of what I enjoy in life. This is not different than the teaching  “stopping to smell the roses” and leads to another Taurus teaching; “Learning how to enjoy your way to an enjoyable life.”

Monday: The Moon starts the day in fast starting Aries—jump into this day. The Moon moves into “lets slow things down “Taurus midafternoon and in a square to Pluto—you may experience strong resistance to something that affronts your values this evening. The Sun is in a sextile to stabilizing Saturn, facilitating taking care of responsibilities.

Tuesday: The Moon is in Taurus to start the day conjunct lovely Venus—something special may for breakfast may be called for…maybe in bed! The New Moon in Taurus occurs at 8:22 PM PST in a sextile to Saturn. Set your intentions for the month and take realistic, practical steps to make them happen.

Wednesday: A stellar day in the heavens with the Moon in Taurus conjunct the fortunate Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, as well as being in harmony to Neptune—stay open for unexpected opportunities. The mind gets revved up this afternoon, when the Moon moves into mentally active Gemini in harmony to Pluto—facilitating, deep, penetrating conversations. Also excellent for writing and public speaking.

Thursday: A busy day is in store with the Moon in variety-loving Gemini in a stimulating sextile to dynamic Mars—excellent for brainstorming with others and gathering information. You may feel a bit exhausted at the end this busy day with the Moon moving into a challenging square to restrictive Saturn this evening—shut ’er down.

Friday: Another busy day with a great deal of serendipity, with the Moon in Gemini sextile to Mercury this morning—communication flows effortlessly. Confusion may set in this evening as the Moon squares illusionary Neptune, making it difficult to know what is real and true and what is not—don’t make decisions. The Moon moves into nurturing Cancer, later in the evening—a late night dinner with a yummy desert?

Saturday: A good day for home, house, and family, with the Moon in family-centered Cancer. People may seem touchy, edgy, and irritable midday while the Moon’s squares Mars, but this quickly passes, and the rest of the day is smooth, comfortable, and nurturing.

Sunday: Happy Mother’s Day! And, indeed it should be a happy Mother’s Day with the Moon in Cancer (the sign of mother and family) supported by a sextile to Saturn to start the day—things go according to plans. The Moon moves in a creative sextile to the energizing Sun and the fortunate Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, leading to a sense of abundance and unexpected well being.

 David in Sun Valley June 6th – 12th

For a talk and Astrology consultations

I will be in Sun Valley next month, giving a talk at the Sun Valley Joy Summit and available for astrology readings while I am in town.

Saturday, June 8th 2:00 - 4:00

Sun Valley Joy Summit

Click the link for more information and to register 

 Consultations in Sun Valley: If you would like to schedule an astrology reading, call Laurie at 360-918-8411, or email her at and she will help you make the arrangements.

Hope to see you soon!

May the stars be with you!


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Consultations: I am available for consultations if you would like to see how your astrology chart can help you connect with your true self, explore your life’s purpose, better understand relationships, find your right vocation, or to align with current astrological influences.  Contact us by email, phone, or through the “Services” tab on our website, to set up a session.

Email: Phone: 360-918-8411

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